14 January 2010

It's cold.

The olive oil in my kitchen congealed. That's how cold it is in the kitchen. I have begun to appreciate the beauty of heated toilet seats and toto washlets.

07 January 2010

By popular request...

(literally one request), I was asked to blog more.

I was up until 5am this morning, struck by an odd and overwhelming urge to marathon asian dramas (I was switching back and forth between two). I don't actually watch it all the way through, I fast forward and skip through bits that are too sickly sweet and ridiculous even for me. Then of course sometimes I miss parts crucial to the story (carton of milk on which the entire love story rests and becomes a recurring motif throughout all 100 hours of the story for example) and I have to go back and rewind. But some of those lines make me cringe too much to sit through so I watch in a back and forth pattern often watching a scene more than once in a span of three minutes as I try to locate some crucial phrase or milk carton. Since I am 100% sure nobody can stand such "technique", I am sure I continue watching by myself, under a blanket, next to my space heater in the near future.

On another note I made duck spaghetti last night!