16 May 2011


Muji x Idee (via For me, for you) It's really a lovely set up.

Idyllic isn't it? Don't forget to play the music to experience what they're trying to sell in its entirety (top right). I thought so too, thinking how lovely it would be to live in a place with tatami again, especially one with a porch and with the wraparound "roka"(hallway). I was all set up in my reverie when that annoying little white Muji bubble pulled me down to reality, because anybody who thinks that a fan is going to cut it in Japanese summers...is not me. I have stayed at a house (and a hostel, in retrospect I suspect that the converted storehouse I slept in was not a legal set-up, more on that in another post) without air-conditioning and I slept fitfully, unable to get comfortable in the heat. Both times I had showered the night before and needed to shower again as soon as I got (not woke) up. Going back to the picture, once I noticed the fan I started thinking about all these other things like, how would you be able to leave the sliding doors open? The mosquitoes would come in. and that wooley-cotton covered couch would become sweat-beaded and damp in the summer. 「季節によるそう住まい」? Sounding less attractive now.

On a different, related note, a blog post I read earlier today about housing insulation in Japan. I really didn't sell that one well. It's more interesting than I made it out to be though, and if it isn't, it's brief at least.

15 May 2011


I'm not really good at this posting business, but I was away, so that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

As an aside, southerners really know their iced drinks. and fried delights. Fried green tomatoes with crawfish remoulade? Yes please!

(Pictured: Strawberry Lemonade, one size only, large. My fingers couldn't wrap around the cups the entire way.)

P.S. One of the many memorable exchanges from the trip.
Setting: A bar on frenchman's street.
In response to "What's in a New Orleans Lemonade?", uninterested response by bartender "Lemonade and rum."
"I'll take it."
"You know I say it like that, and people still order it."

Realize would have been wise to take her response into account after taking a sip.